Android studio listview with checkbox
Android studio listview with checkbox

android studio listview with checkbox

NET tasks, and all the C#/.NET Framework features that developers are used to. How can developers resolve this issue? What happens if there's some type of hiccup in the network connection during the request? Should the application just quit working? Thankfully, Mono for Android supports threading, asynchronous operations.

android studio listview with checkbox

Even on a good day, that request can take some time. That request gets routed to the Twitter API the request is processed some data is returned the data is processed in the device and, finally, it's displayed on the screen. With an awareness of the particular challenges of mobile, let's think through a request for data, such as Twitter. If an application becomes unresponsive after a set amount of time, usually 10-20 seconds, Android closes the application. Just by being mobile, any connection will take longer than sitting in your office with several megabits per second plugged directly into a 1 gigabit connection.Īnd on the Android platform, there's the added overhead of a watchdog timer built in. Wireless networks, whether it's a wi-fi connection backed up by a dedicated high-speed connection or an edge, 3G or 4G connection provided by a major cell provider, all increase the time required for data to be sent and to arrive thus, a request takes longer. Mobile, by definition, means that an application is going to have to communicate over some type of wireless connection. Let's think for a moment about the world of mobile.

android studio listview with checkbox

In this article, we'll look at using a ListView, how we can work with it, then discuss what we need to do to overcome some of the challenges in a mobile environment. How do we as developers present data to a user? In Android, we use the ListView in its various forms.

android studio listview with checkbox

Data is all around us and in many forms: salespeople need to know what customers have spent twitter users want to know what their friends are saying. How do we as developers present data to a user? In Android, we use the ListView in its various forms. Mono for Android Databinding a ListView with Mono for Android

Android studio listview with checkbox